
Your Best Hair with Thought and Care

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The On-Going Saga of My Husband's Hair

Haven't shared much about hubby's hair for a while now. We last left him with cornrows, which actually lasted almost a month!! This was basically to buy the time for him to make a decision: to dread or not to dread.

He'd thought about having dreads and if ever there was a time, now was it!  His hair was long enough, really well-textured from the perm and he had the advantage of living with his stylist who could work well into the evening to get the job done LOL

So, we went for it and, to be honest, that was actually last year!  I'm not sure I even remember how long it took but it was definitely HOURS.  Many evenings in a row of sectioning, flipping and matting his hair and then.....the maintenance!  That's what I'm going to share with you today - before a good clean-up/tightening and the after.  This process took about 8 hours to complete. Whomever (it is 'whomever', right? not whoever, in this case? - I am a stylist, not an English teacher) said that dreads were 'easy' was lying.  Sure, you can have matted hair that's all tangled but good, nice-looking dreads take a lot of commitment.  Not sure people really understand that.

So, without further ado, here's the befores and afters.  

So, there you go!  I put it in black and white so you could really see the texture of the hair.  We also didn't tidy up the ends at all - 8 hours JUST to tighten the root.  Dread Heads Care.

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